It took a long time to render a few of the passes, the leaves were made with the alpha texturing, the same way many games use to create leaves, but in that way the ambient occlusion shader cant render with alpha so i had to use mental ray's final gather to try and simulate the effects of the ambient occlusion shader. It took a very very very long time to render, welll... at least it all tunr out to be ok i guess.
Completed only the 1st 5 sec, the rendering was just taking too much time, it took 2hr to jus render 1 frame for 2 of the passes, ambient acclusion and shadow within the tree. the 2 passes took very long to render becos i cant use ambient occlution shader for the leaves, the tree has lots of leaves and they are all bade with the help of alpha map, which in this case not good for me, bcos i had to use final gather to get the result to look like AO, actually its just a lambert applied to my leaves with the alpha map on it, but due to the final gather checked, it would create a render pass much ,like the AO pass. As for the shadow within the tree, it was again the leaves that took very long to render, and my system seems to have problem rendering the leaves in mental ray so i had to use software render, thinking that it would speed up the process of rendering, it actually didn't help, bcos i use a direactional light to lit the scene and in order for the maya softweware to render raytrace shadow, raytracng needs to be checked in the render settings